Sudden weight loss, this explanation - Nillam Permata
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Rabu, 15 Mei 2019

Sudden weight loss, this explanation

Reasonable if weight fluctuates throughout the year. Maybe you eat too much during the holidays, so that the weight gain or even the flu has finally dropped a few pounds. 

However, if you experience weight loss up to five percent of the previous weight in less than six months, it could be a sign of a health problem. Drastic weight loss If according to Kerry Hildreth, MD physiologist from the University of Colorado is a serious health sign.

image Sudden weight loss, this explanation

Signs of health conditions deteriorate?

Weight loss is a common symptom of an overactive hyperthyroidism or thyroid. This means that the thyroid helps regulate metabolism and body growth pumping too much of the hormone resulting in body changes.

You can indicate weight loss related to the thyroid if you have symptoms of increased hunger, pounding heart, sleep problems and feeling hot all the time. In addition to the overactive thyroid hormones, weight loss is also closely associated with some of the following health conditions:

Poor diet

As we age, the gastric work system empties its content slower, which makes one feel fuller for longer. Some brain signals that control appetite also weaken. 

All of these can cause older adults to eat less and fail to get enough nutrients to support their body's needs. If you experience this, make sure the body is consuming enough protein to help the body perform its functions properly. 

Some of the bodily functions associated with this issue are curb hunger, stabilizing blood sugar, and building lost muscle mass when people grow older. Consumption of certain medications can also affect appetite.

Suffering from Celiac disease

Certain autoimmune disorders can also lead to drastic weight loss. This occurs when the immune system disrupts the small intestinal lining, thereby inhibiting its ability to help the body absorb nutrients well. In addition to autoimmune diseases, such as celiac, inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn's disease can also lead to weight loss due to malabsorption as well.


Loss of appetite is a common side effect of clinical depression and that can encourage unexplainable weight loss. In many cases, people who experience depression, do not even realize that they lose weight because they are mired in depression. Irritability, drinking lots, doubts, and sleep problems is another common symptom of depression.


Problems with the pancreas can produce enzymes in the digestive tract that can lead to unexplainable weight loss. In chronic pancreatitis, the disease in which the pancreas becomes inflamed and tends to lose weight rapidly (even if they eat normally).

This is because the body does not produce enough enzymes to properly digest food. Abdominal pain, impurities that change color (or oily), diarrhea, or nausea after eating-fatty foods are a symptom of pancreatitis.


Diabetes can lead to weight loss. In addition to other symptoms where the patient feel very severe thirst and all the time. Generally if you have diabetes, you will be urination constantly. This is because the body secretes glucose because it cannot absorb it and encourages the sensation of thirst. Diabetes also causes the body to suck food from the muscles that trigger a sudden weight loss.

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